Jedi Knight Revan. Read all Navigation Community in: Legends articles, Articles in need of updating, Pages needing citation, and 4 more Revan's lightsaber Edit This article is about Revan's Jedi lightsaber that was used during the Jedi Civil War . 3v3 - Jedi Revan vs Jedi Knight Luke | SWGOH GAC JKR vs JKL Counter BitDynasty 18. Early game it's definitely Bastila Shan, that huge amount of protection is super helpful giving the Jedi more survivability. Suggested team:Jedi Knight Revan, the leader of the Old Republic best team, is a ferocious attacker. Special 1: MASTER STRATEGIST (Cooldown 3) Final Text: Deal Special damage to all enemies. Updated May 22, 2023 The Jedi and the Sith use seven different forms of lightsaber combat in Star Wars - here's all you need to know about each of them, and who uses what. May 1, 2020 11:59PM. Based on 9,017 battles analyzed during GAC Season 41. . He was taken as a Padawan by Jedi Master Kreia and later led the wars against. Dark Side • Attacker First Order • Unaligned Force User. GA/TW Counters - Revan Edition. You can click units to filter squads by that unit. With an aggressive start date of October 18th that will surely leave 99. Attack Defense. Kylo Ren (Unmasked) Lando Calrissian. An elegant weapon. Reason I did this was because for the JKR grind, Bastilla was the first character I got to 7* so with her Leader ability I set all my mods up on my Jedi to get max protection. Funko Pop! Star Wars. Revan seduced to the Dark Side, as there are many reason for that, like he. Best Mod Set for Jedi Knight Revan. There are a few missteps on my part, but this video answers the question: what if they have General Kenobi, but you don't? Can a gear 12 Bastilla fill in the. Revan is one of the characters most often requested by players, so this was definitely an exciting but also serious challenge for the team. Swgoh Emperor Team Palpatine Best [HLIFD8] Swgoh 3v3 Offense In Grand Arena Counter Any 3v3 Nightsisters. Dominate SLKR by using Jedi Knight Luke under Jedi Knight Revan's lead! Strategy can be repeated to many different SLKR variants included in the video! Play. Last update: June 12th 2023 The 3 vs 3 version is here. newworldblues7 • 4 yr. Treya can be countered. Update 7. So word has it that Jedi Revan was not quite (or even nearly) up to par, hence no kit reveal last week. Saviors of the Galaxy: Jedi Knight Revan – Jedi Master Luke – General Skywalker – Jedi Knight Luke – Wat Tambor. Updated Nov 30, 2018 at 11:52am EA After a lot of teasing and hype Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes has finally unveiled Jedi Knight Revan as their next hero as part of the Hero’s Journey. 6% Shaak Ti Counters. Currently, we are only showing Character battles on their first attempt. Jedi Knight Revan Counters. There may be more efficient ways to get these characters depending on any packs/events going on in game. 1 Old Republic. Star Wars Basic Figure Darth Revan. As a Sith Lord, Revan would convert those. Counter. Grand arena is a mode that was added to swgoh with the title update 14 on dec 4 2018. Once you get brood down though it’s cake. List. . Based on 352 battles analyzed during GAC Season 41. VIDEO GAME-INSPIRED DESIGN: Fans and collectors can imagine. See my other 5v5 Counters - me on Patreon - me on Discord - comment, download and edit jedi knight revan Minecraft skins. 5% Attack Defense Squads SWGOH Darth Revan Counters Based on 9,017 battles analyzed during GAC Season 41. 6% Bastila Shan Counters Top GAC Squads Top GAC Leaders Scan Player GAC Insight (Beta) SWGOH Grand Arena Championships Jedi Knight Revan Squads Based on 305,932 GAC Battles analyzed this season. Based on 939,715 GAC Battles analyzed this season. The most important thing about developing Jedi Knight Revan is to make a character that lives up to the idea of who the character was to fans of KotOR. Ships in . Seen. Seen 2699 Win % 79. You have to be careful though because you can risk timing out if your padme squad is equally geared/modded to the geo squad. . Leaders are filtered separately. Yoda needs to hit really hard, so offense set, with decent speed and offense secondaries. Jedi Knight Revan. Jedi Knight Luke Skywalker Counters. However, long forgotten memories from his once dark past convict him to search the galaxy for the evil threat that he a. grievous rework is going to counter revan, but not be a HARD counter. Last updated: 21 hours ago GAC S eason 41 - 3v3 Win % 0. Viewing the 99th percentile of occurances. Leaders are filtered separately. Because of the 20% protection regeneration for every counter, to not target Sion's allies, they will hit you and if Sion is marked, they should. 8%: 47 : 4: 92%. Related, a. Jedi Knight Revan · General. 2% Sith Eternal Emperor Counters. 4% Hera Syndulla Counters Seen 475 Win % 71. As a result I give you some options in my recommendation for the best mods for Jedi Knight Revan: Transmitter (Square) – Offense/Speed mod with offense primary and a secondary focus on speed,. Gamestop exclusive. Grand Arena Counters w/ Video; GA/TW Counters - Bossk Edition; GA/TW Counters - Revan Edition; GA/TW Counters - Nightsister Edition; GA/TW Counters - Darth Revan/Darth Malak Edition; GA/TW Counters - Traya Edition; GA/TW Counters - Rebel Edition; CLS kills Jedi Knight Revan: All you need to know to build this powerful counter Apply healing immunity with JTR on a Jedi and kill it for the first time, although revan will save that Jedi, that Jedi will not regain its health and protection. Star Wars. From what I've seen so far from viewing the new "Sith Empire" kits, I am not at all convinced that Darth Revan will hold on defense against Jedi. The most important thing about developing Jedi Knight Revan is to make a character that lives up to the idea of who the character was to fans of KotOR. These characters have some flaw in them, something that makes them able to be beaten. . A former veteran Jedi knight who lived during the Old Republic Era — approx. Because of how great of a Jedi leader he is (a faction that can potentially have many new additions) and his overall kit, he has long lasting viability. Good luck tho 👍. Seen 15700 Win % 92. Darth Revan Counters. Jolee Bindo and Bastila Shan are essential pieces when unlocking. See my other 5v5 Counters - me on Patreon - me on Discord - Revan, later known simply as Revan, is the player character of the 2003 role-playing video game Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic and its upcoming remake by BioWare. "While Revan is in the leader slot and not the ally slot, units are immune to bonus Turn Meter effects from leader abilities until the start of the first turn of battle"A jedi team that can't gain buffs or spread buffs or get foresight or crit and can't assist while attacking the leader. No idea on how to go with Jedi, sorry. 8K views 2 years ago See my other 3v3 Counters - Support me. search YT and find your favourite one. This set provides a bonus of 10% Health and 10% Speed. Jedi Knight Revan Armor Set is a Cartel Market item, which means it originally comes from the ingame Cartel Market, and can be obtained four different ways - bought on the GTN, bought or traded from another. Whenever an Old Republic ally uses. That's what they do to encourage us to spend on the shiny new toys. 99 Movie: Gaming Greats. SWGOH Jedi Knight Revan Counters Based on 352 battles analyzed during GAC Season 41. Hot Topics June 26, 2023 | SWGoH: Best Mods for Captain Rex; June 20, 2023 | The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom – Spirit Temple Walkthrough; June 18, 2023 | Jedi Survivor Boss Fight: How to beat Rick The Door Technician in Jedi Grand Master mode; June 13, 2023 | SWGoH: Quick Tips for Success in Conquest 28-30 –. Ideally you want it to be an NS so zombie can eat the revive. Jedi Knight Revan. He was taken as a Padawan by Jedi Master Kreia and later led. Up until know I've been running my main Jedi squad as Bastilla L, JKR, GMY, Hoda, Old Ben. With Tim Torre, Garrett Vesely, Vincent Kalwa, John Andrews. Viewing the 99th percentile of occurances. Otherwise, it's not easy. Feet Jedi Knight Revan's Boots. . I nearly have all the characters at 7* for the Jedi Knight Revan event but I want to know what the minimum gear level people have completed it at is? I have Bastila and Jolee at level 85 gear 9 or so and the others at gear 7 level 60. Star Wars ' lightsaber is the traditional weapon of the Jedi and the Sith, and there are seven different lightsaber forms in canon. GAC Counters (3v3) Ship Counters. One of the most popular of the many SWGoH. The Old Republic also featured extraordinary warriors that battled alongside these Jedi. 5 Form V: Shien & Djem So. Getting me 312 speed on Vader and thrawn at 313 speed. Available to use in light side battles, cantina battles and mod battles. Power 40488; Speed 168; Health 35,070Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes Database · SWGOH. Jedi Knight Luke Skywalker. Leaders are filtered separately. Palp and Vader count as double since they're both empire/sith. The rate of victory for squads. Seen 2787 Win % 89. Revan Counter? I've never really chased meta, so I mostly just have a good FO team right now. c3po can be a good addition here, lot of videos for different variations. Possible substitutions include Ezra Bridger, Hermit Yoda, and even Obi-Wan Kenobi (Old Ben). The most important thing about developing Jedi Knight Revan is to make a character that lives up to the idea of who the character was to fans of KotOR. 5% Jabba the Hutt Counters. 3749 posts Member. SWGOH Jedi Knight Revan Counters. For NS squads, Talzin lead should work. Viewing the 99th percentile of occurances. Gannon. Add whenever a Jedi ally attacks out of turn they recover 20% of their Max Protection and deal 35% more damage. Jedi Knight Revan - Zaul, Trio, Nest (only if they're not running Chewie in the comp. 4,000 years before the Skywalker Saga — the Sith Lord Revan forms a Sith Empire to conquer the. elibosman • 4 yr. Win %. My team is good now but I want to pull in either Hermit or GK badly. Funko & GameStop have teamed up to get us some new Star Wars POP! First up is a Gamer. Your team therefore won’t, except Padme. Honestly not sure how I'm gonna mix and match the new revan stuff with all my other sets I got. Fabled Jedi leader who controls the battle with a wide mix of powerful abilities. 0 /10 89 YOUR RATING Rate Sci-Fi Redeemed Jedi Knight, Revan, has saved the galaxy from the threat of his apprentice, Darth Malak, and has brought peace to the galaxy and to his wife, Bastilla. You can click units to filter squads by that unit. My team now consists of JKR, Bastilla, GM Yoda, Jolee and Old Ben. So you can ignore Sion's taunt, Mark Traya, and then your entire team can choose to either attack Sion OR Traya as if both of them were taunting. On offense they will typically go for palp to avoid stun. Earn Jedi Knight Revan Shards! LORD VADER. Bastilla can vary, you could either go for pure speed with speed sets, or load her up with cc and cd mods so she hits hard. So another 8x7 for 5 jedi team / ezra & old ben being double. That's a problem. While in Territory Battles: Old Republic allies have +20% counter chance, Defense, and Max Health for each Old Republic ally. Last update: July 10th 2023 The 5 vs 5 version is here. Hero's Fall. This Old Republic team is one of the easier ones to assemble on this list. Click here if you would like to donate! Thank you for your generosity :) to hang out with me on a monthly basis? Check. Revan counters, proven and theoretical. You can click units to filter squads by that unit. He and Bastila paired are just so hard to stick stun on or debuffs. These bonuses are doubled while Revan is in the leader slot and not the ally slot. Viewing the 99th percentile of occurances. More Details Master Strategist Special Level 8 3 Turn Cooldown Deal Special damage to all enemies. Revan: Directed by Andrei Shulgach, Steven Shulgach. TW/GA Counters Bot - | Discord: SidiousIsPikachu#5768. That will allow people to run another “Chex Mix” team. If the target is Marked, Revan gains 20% Turn Meter. Counter Jedi Master Luke (JML) with compositions: JML Wat / JML Straight Jedi / JML with Jedi Knight Revan Lead using Darth Revan!!!JML without Wat (JML as l. Ideas? 2 12 comments Best Larcecate • 3 yr. 9 out of 5 stars 814. Revan—now Darth Revan—established the Sith Empire with the intention of overthrowing and replacing the Galactic Republic. Seen 8491 Win % 91. 4% Barriss Offee. . REVAN - JEDI KNIGHT DEVELOPER: Drewton DESCRIPTION: This reskins Revan in "light side" Jedi Knight robes, inspired by the Jedi Knight costume of the Secret Apprentice in the Wii/PS2 versions of. Any thougbts on 3v3 counters? I hope you enjoy the video and if you did, be sure to leave a like & comment- I'd really appreciate it! Want to have daily access to CubsFanHan through his p. GGSynergy: Jedi Knight Revan • Jedi. Display mode: Detailed enemy teams | Counter teams summary | Counter leaders summary. The first time another Jedi ally would be reduced to 1% Health, if Jedi Knight Revan is active, they recover 5% of their Max Health and Protection and can't be defeated for the rest of the turn. In this video, I run through 5 teams which are really good counters against the jedi knight revan squad in Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes #yesman #swgoh. Mirror matches . And wampa at relic 5. Based on 2,990 battles analyzed during GAC Season 41. Revan dispels all debuffs on Jedi and Old Republic allies, then Revan heals all Jedi and Old Republic allies by 10% for each Jedi and each Old Republic ally. 5%. GAC S eason 41 - 3v3. Install Raid for Free IOS: ANDROID: PC: and get a special starter pack 💥Available. There are not a lot of results for this data slice. For each Jedi and each Old Republic ally at the start of battle (excluding summoned allies), Jedi and Old Republic allies gain +2 Speed, +3% Crit Chance and +3% Offense. He also replaced the crystal in his lightsaber hilt, giving it the red blade associated with the Sith. . Seen 17534 Win % 84. Jedi Knight Luke Skywalker. ago Revan, also known as the Revanchist and Darth Revan, was a male human Jedi Knight turned- Sith Lord and Dark Lord of the Sith until, stripped of his true persona, he returned to the crumbling Jedi Order and helped defeat the Sith Empire he had established. Deal Special damage to all enemies. I was once a Jedi Knight, the same as your father. Palp and Vader count as double since they're both empire/sith. GAC S eason 41 - 3v3. 2 Cartel Market Items – Master Orr’s Lightsaber and Armor, Outer Rim Drifter (Cad Bane’s Armor), Ri’kan’s Armor and Vibro Axe, Pyke Syndicate Armor, Ceremonial Beskar Blade, and more! Patch Notes Update 7. View in GAC Insight Seen 159 Win % 100% Avg 56. Tier 1: Stranded on the Sith-occupied world of Taris, Revan teamed up with the street-smart Mission Vao and her friend Zaalbar. Watch as we completely destroy this relic 7 GL Luke with our Jedi Knight Revan squad with 0 issues at all. Advanced White-Black Eviscerating Crystal. Really doesn't matter I guess, but I did JKR first. The plan was only possible when a Jedi Knight named Revan returned to the Republic after leaving with a group of Jedi known as the Revanchists. SWGOH Jedi Knight Revan Counters. Top GAC Squads Top GAC Leaders Scan Player GAC Insight (Beta) SWGOH Grand Arena Championships Jedi Knight Revan Squads Based on 305,932 GAC Battles analyzed this season. Jedi Knight Revan. ~43 days. Win %. GAC S eason 39 - 3v3. Jedi (Revan) Jedi Knight Revan Grand Master Yoda, Jolee, General Kenobi, Bastila Shan Ezra Bridger, Hermit Yoda, Old Ben, Juhani Rex L Rex Wampa, Chirrut, Baze Malbus, R2-D2.